I know, I didn’t post any pictures of Christmas. We had a lot going on and I forgot my camera for half of it. Heck, I’m not even putting up pictures of Paul’s visit (sorry dear). I know, I’m way lame. Life has just been boring.
Since it’s been so long since I’ve blogged, I thought I’d post a few pictures. I guess if by this time next week, if I haven’t blogged about something interesting, then you might get more pictures. Oh well. My life is boring at the moment (still stressful, and boring).
Here are some pictures from a book that we did up for our girls. I won’t bombard you will all the pictures from the book. I’ll leave some of those for later. Some of you have already seen these too. Oh well. Here ya go.
What great pictures, glad i’m not the only that is bored , we need to have another playdate soon..