
Introducing Entai

We didn’t name him, but we did adopt him today!


His name is Entai!  He’s a Shiba Inu, that’s a Japanese breed of dog.  He’s 11 years old and just as sweet as can be!  He weighs between 20 and 25 pounds.

We’re happy to have a new addition to our house!  IMG_1662r

I walked into Petco to get some mice food and the Humane Society was there with lots of dogs and cats.  I saw him and just fell in love!  He has such a sweet temper and doesn’t even mind the kids or the cats!  Even our cats seem to be putting up with him okay.


Oh, and he loves watching the mice.  I guess the breed was bred for hunting small animals, so I guess the mice would keep his attention.


Right now he’s been ours for 4 hours!  I took him for his first walk and was just loving it!  (don’t know how I’ll feel when it’s really cold outside, I might be cursing the walks then)

  1. Wow! What a cute dog! How do you say his name? I wish I could take Rosco on walks. He takes me and it isn’t fun.

  2. Entai is pronounced with a short/soft “e” sound at the beginning and then say the letter “i” for the “ai” at the end of the name. You still say the “nt” in the middle. I looked the name up online and it’s Japanese for “delay, procrastination”.

  3. Ahh he is so cute..Congrats on your new addition!!!

  4. He’s adorable!

  5. Looks so hugable! Can’t wait to meet him.