
Amanda had her first day of preschool today! Oh so exciting, but so hard to let her go. This is the same preschool I have bragged about before, and I will keep talking about them till my kids are finished with preschool.


Notice the bag!?!  I’ll show you what it looked like before I got to it!




Here’s the bag the preschool gave us, and they ask that this be the bag they bring everyday to preschool, it’s big and the top just opens right up for all those large projects they do!  I asked if I could alter the bag and Miss Emily said it was fine so long as the top stays open.


I didn’t come up with this idea, no way, no how, I’m not that creative.  I got the idea from here! So this is my version.  If I remember correctly, she glues her petals on, but I was worried they would fall off with too much handling, so I sewed the petals on.

First I measured about how far apart I wanted the petals and then took a ruler and marked my spots so I would know where to put them.  Then I did a ton of forward and back sticking with my machine!


There are approximately 200 petals on this bag (14×16 inches).  If you notice, the handles are no longer red, they’re pink!  I covered them with ribbon!


All my girls are wanting one now, even me!

  1. So so cute, love it and mandy looks so big!

  2. That is the cutest bag ever!!! I love borrowing ideas from other people too, cuz I am just not creative!! lol

  3. That is such a cute bag! It’s amazing that Mandy is in preschool already:). Cute girls. Glad they all got off to school! Enjoy your free time!