Well, that’s exactly what it is. FUN!
I bought some chalkboard paint 3 months ago and finally got the nerve to try it. It’s so fun! I don’t know why a postpone some projects for so long. I always think it’ll be hard or that I won’t do it correctly, so I put it off, until… I finally get up the nerve to try it. And then I find out that it’s so easy!
I bought a cheapo sliver tray at D.I. for 50 cents and just painted right over it!
I got this frame for free from someone and painted the chalkboard paint right onto the glass! I finished this one late one night and decided it was too much black. I looked through all my paints but didn’t really like them with the black, so I did what any creative person would do. I raided my fingernail polish. So don’t look too closely at the pink. At least it worked!
Walmart had these cute square plates. 4 for a $1! So I turned them into little chalkboards for my kids!
I’m still not finished. I’m trying to decide exactly where I would like to have chalkboards, so I don’t go over board and do all the walls with it. So fun! If you haven’t tried this stuff yet, you should!
How fun. I saw a playroom in a magazine once with a wall painted with it. I would love to do that in our next house!
LOVE! I’ve always wanted to try it too. Your projects turned out great…LOVE the nailpolish!!